We Need Each Other to Survive

2 min readApr 19, 2022
Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

The value of our relationships — and the quality of them — means more to us now than ever before. The impact of being isolated during the pandemic caused many people to struggle from lack of connection. Why? Because we need each other to survive. Research shows there is an innate need to have connection with one another and by doing so, every part of our well-being is enhanced.

Even if you’re an introvert, we need to connect with people in our network. This doesn’t mean you can’t have alone time to recharge your battery, but it does mean you need to be aware of whether you’re socially isolating yourself (if you are, we can help). Having quality relationships with family, friends, co-workers and our community means we have a depth to our life.

And, our ability to maintain healthy and positive relationships also represents our social well-being. If most of our relationships are full of drama and conflict, that is reason to pause and evaluate why. On the contrary, if most are in a good and stable position, it’s time to deepen and expand. This doesn’t mean every spare minute needs to be spent socializing (remember, any amount), it means you are being mindful about making room for your people in your life in a balanced way.

Comment here and tell us about how your social network positively impacts your life.

I’m rooting for you,


CEO and Founder, Inzencity




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